Tender Napalm
Tender Napalm
Photo by Jo Chiang

The success of SubletSeries shows is very important to us. Below is a description of how HERE will help to promote your show. Please provide the information requested by the outlined deadlines. All materials are created by your team and sent to us for approval. We are here to cheer you on!

Materials must be emailed to marketingdept@here.org. Please plan for at least two business days for your materials to be approved. Please put “SubletSeries Approval Needed” in the subject line.


ASAP (at least 1 month prior to show):  Submit Info for Website / HERE E-blast
1 Week Prior to Release Date:   Submit Press Release to marketingdept@here.org & gmdept@here.org for approval
2 days Prior to Print Deadlines:  Submit Drafts of Postcards/E-Blasts other Print Media to marketingdept@here.org  for approval
  • HERE will list you on our website and include you in our monthly e-blast. We will schedule at least one social media post leading up to/during the run of your show.
  • Please link to here.org on your website and please @mention us on FB/Instagram (@herearts).

In order to include your show on our website, in eblast(s), and across our social media:
Please submit the required information to ariana@here.org in one email with the subject “Marketing Info for [your show].” We must have all the info in order to publish your show on our website and in our e-blasts:

  • Title
  • Primary Creators/Producers
  • Dates, Times (for confirmation)
  • 1 sentence description (200 characters with spaces max)
  • A description of your show, which should include the artists and performers if you like, with their respective roles (100-200 words). Think catchy. Really the best blurbs are 3 sentences.
  • 1 high res TEXT-FREE horizontal image:  .jpg, minimum of 5″ x 7″, 300dpi) that you have the rights to use publicly and must provide photo credit.
  • A link to your website and any media links
  • A link to your Flickr, Vimeo, Youtube channels / slideshows
  • Approximate running time
  • Any talkback info you would like on your page

Please don’t hesitate to write or call us if you have questions about these blurb/image requirements.

You are responsible for printing your own postcards. Your postcard must be approved by HERE’s Marketing Director at ariana@here.org before you print it. You MUST include the information below in all press and postcards:


  • HERE Information listed as:
    • HERE, 145 6th Ave. (Enter on Dominick, 1 block south of Spring)
    • For Tickets & Information: visit here.org
  • The full HERE Sentence somewhere on the postcard as follows:
    • For SubletSeries: This production is a part of SubletSeries@HERE: a curated rental program, which provides artists with subsidized space and equipment, as well as a technical liaison.
    • For Co-Ops: This production is a part of SubletSeries@HERE: Co-op, HERE’s curated fall rental program, which provides artists with subsidized space and equipment, as well as a technical liaison.
  • The SubletSeries@HERE logo can be found here.


The dimensions for all posters (which will be displayed in our lightbox next to the HERE entrance) should be 24” wide x 36” high. You are responsible for printing your own poster. (For the Co-op, HERE will create one poster for the entire series. You do not need to create one unless it’s for your own distribution.)

Information you MUST include on all posters:


  • HERE Information listed as:
    • HERE, 145 6th Ave. (Enter on Dominick, 1 block south of Spring)
    • For Tickets & Information: visit here.org
  • The full HERE Sentence somewhere on the poster as follows:
    • This production is a part of SubletSeries@HERE: a curated rental program, which provides artists with subsidized space and equipment, as well as a technical liaison.
  • The SubletSeries@HERE logo that can be found here.

Before you publish your press release, it must be approved by HERE’s General Manager (gmdept@here.org) and Marketing Department (marketingdept@here.org).

HERE does not provide press services for our curated rentals. You are responsible for writing and mailing your show’s press releases, listing releases, critics’ letters, et cetera. HERE’s institutional press agency is Everyman Agency/John Wyszniewski. However, please note that HERE/Everyman Agency do not provide specific press representation for individual productions. You are welcome to contact John separately and make your own arrangements to hire Everyman Agency to rep your show. See Vendor Suggestions below, for a short list of press reps who have worked at HERE.


Information you MUST include in your press release – whether in electronic or print form, and all other print material:

  1. HERE Information listed as:


145 6th Ave. 

(Enter on Dominick, 1 block south of Spring)

For Tickets & Information: visit here.org 

  1. The full HERE Sentence somewhere on the first page of release as follows:
    1. For SubletSeries: This production is a part of SubletSeries@HERE: a curated rental program, which provides artists with subsidized space and equipment, as well as a technical liaison.

For Co-Ops: This production is a part of SubletSeries@HERE: Co-op, HERE’s curated fall rental program, which provides artists with subsidized space and equipment, as well as a technical liaison.

You are responsible for your own show programs. As of our 2018-19 season, we’ve gone green/fresh/economical by instituting online programs. All shows at HERE, including SubletSeries productions, should be have paperless show programs. 

In your digital program document, please leave one page for HERE, in lieu of the program shell that we used to provide. HERE will provide content for this single page, including our Institutional Funding Credits.

Please format your digital program with mobile devices in mind (don’t use columns of text, like you may find in print playbills). Digital programs will be accessible to audiences via your show page and pre-show email. There will also be a QR code and postcards in our lobby with instructions to access the digital program.

Digital programs are making their way into theatres, but are still not the norm. If you would like to hand something tangible to your audiences when they pick up their tickets, you may print a one-pager with producing and company credits. Please email marketingdept@here.org to get your one-pager approved prior to going to print.

As your production date gets closer, you can coordinate with our Marketing Department (marketingdept@here.org) to discuss your program needs, and to get your program linked to your show page.

As we nurture our growing artist community, we will send invitations to our list of past collaborators/artists for SubletSeries Dress Rehearsals. Our Production Department will confirm with you when your final dress rehearsal is scheduled, and whether or not you’d like to have an invited audience. If you would like an audience, Marketing will send to our list, and accept RSVPs from the first 30 responders. You and your team will be added to this list upon the completion of your SubletSeries production.

Suggested Press Agents:

  • John Wyszniewski – john@everymanagency.com
  • Bridget Kaplinski – bridget@seven17pr.com
  • David Gibbs, DARR Publicity – david@darrpublicity.com
  • Karen Greco, karen greco pr – karen@kgrecopr.com (Karen also does something called PR for Smarties)
  • Emily Owens PR – emily@emilyowenspr.com
  • Jim Baldassare – jbpressrep@mac.com
  • Kippy Winston Media – kippywinstonmedia@gmail.com
  • Ron Lasko – who owns Spin Cycle – ron@spincyclenyc.com

Suggested Photographers:

Suggested Videographers: