Photo by Shayne Spencer of Think Work Media

Production Manager Cole Bonenberger and Technical Director and Facilities Manager Alex White will be your primary contacts for this department. Please direct all emails regarding the theaters, load-ins and strikes, equipment, or any other logistical questions to production@here.org, which will be received by the entire Production Department.

A schedule of all hours and technical supervision will be provided. Any time beyond the discussed schedule must be submitted in writing to the Production Manager for approval. Normal hours for access on Performance days are 2 hours before show time and 30 minutes after curtain. Any time that exceeds these hours without prior approval is subject to a fine of $50/hr. Limited subsidized rehearsal space is available at HERE prior to your occupancy period and after your first performance. The rates are $50 per either theatre. To reserve, email production@here.org with a specific request that includes date, space and time. Requests will be honored first come first served, subject to availability. HERE does reserve the right to bump you from rehearsal space under extenuating circumstances.

Curtain times in the two theaters are staggered to reduce sound bleed during performance times. Whenever a performance is underway, the other theatre must adhere to Sound Conflict Time rules. Please see Rules tab for more details.

  • HERE’s Production Staff, consisting of the following: Production Manager, Technical Director and Facilities Manager, and Associate Technical Director. One of these people will be in the building whenever you are on-site and are available to answer any questions and point you in the right direction.
  • Additional technical equipment can be requested and will be made available if possible. Please see the list of available and additional equipment below.

Notes on Mainstage:

  • The grid height in the Mainstage is 11’9″.  Ground plans are available for download below
  • The light board in the MS is an ETC Ion with a fader wing
  • The soundboard in the MS is a Yamaha LS9
  • The MS has 96 available dimmers for show use (the MS also has 3 circuits of hot power in addition to 7 dedicated outlet circuits on all 4 theatre walls)
  • Space is 46’x46′
  • MS has a standard house count of 99 seats in proscenium formation and a max capacity of 150
  • All Curtain times are 8:30 pm Tuesday thru Saturday, 4:00p m Saturday and Sunday (Mondays are DARK DAYS)
  • Run time average is 120 minutes or less (additional fees may apply to longer-running productions)
  • Two Dressing Rooms that are 12’x7′(Dressing Room A with an average capacity of 4-6) and 13’x8′ (Dressing Room B with an average capacity of 6-8), also containing cabinets and shelving for storage as well as a collapsible sleeping cot
  • The Mainstage contains a wheeled black upright Baldwin/Hamilton B243 Piano with a black cover
  • Contains two 8’ ladders and one adjustable ladder as well as (2) 3’x6’x8′ collapsible scaffolding units
  • Various rehearsal cubes, podium, etc.
  • HERE’s inventory is shared between both spaces, off-site rehearsals, fellow artists, etc thus our inventory is constantly in flux and should be considered 80% accurate at all times.


Notes on the DOT:

  • The grid height is 9’6″ in the DOT, however, coffer beams hang lower at 9’2″ and one at 8’7″. Ground plans are available for download below
  • The light board in the DOT is an ETC Element
  • The soundboard in the DOT is an Allen & Heath Qu-16 Digital Mixer
  • The DOT has 81 available dimmers for show use (hot power is not available in the Dot but 5 outlet circuits are available on 3 of the theatre walls)
  • Stage is 14’x38′
  • DOT has a house count/capacity of 71 seats
  • All Curtain times are 7:00 pm Tuesday thru Saturday, 2:00 pm Saturday and Sunday (Mondays are DARK DAYS)
  • Run time must be 75 minutes or less
  • Four 4’x’8 sets of black flats/wings & skinned panels
  • One Dressing Room that is 17’x8′ (average capacity of 6-8), also contains cabinets and shelving for storage
  • Contains [3/4] 6′ tall ladders and 1 collapsible scaffolding unit
  • Various rehearsal cubes, podium, etc.
  • HERE’s inventory is shared between both spaces, off-site rehearsals, fellow artists, etc thus our inventory is constantly in flux and should be considered 80% accurate at all times.

8 weeks prior to Load-in: 1st Production Meeting with all designers

5 weeks prior to Load-in: Preliminary Production Calendar due to Production Staff

4 weeks prior to Load-in: All design drawings and paperwork due to Production Staff

2 weeks prior to Load-in: HERE confirms what additional equipment is available

    • 2nd Production meeting scheduled with Production Staff
    • Final Production Calendar Due to Production Staff
    • Production Staff shares facility calendar
  • Building hours are 10 AM – 11 PM.
  • The bathrooms and DOT theatre are fully ADA accessible, but there is no elevator that goes directly to that floor for load-in. Anything that requires the elevator for load-in must go down the three steps from the apartment building elevator.
  • There is no rep plot in place for SubletSeries productions. The grid will be bare at load in time unless otherwise negotiated with production and the previous show. The rep plot file can be used as a reference, and put in place for some events and Co-Op productions.
  • Load-in must happen through the backstage double doors/back stairwell, not through the lobby.
  • There is no construction cutting in the spaces. All cutting must happen on the sidewalk and everything should be cleaned and swept after cutting.
  • Productions can screw into the floors but you may not use lags, staples, nails, etc.
  • Walls and floors can be painted with no texture, however, everything must be restored to the HERE-specified paint at load-out. The floor will always require a repaint at load-out.
  • No oil-based paints or stains may be used in the building.
  • The risers in either space can be reconfigured as desired.
  • Anything that lives in either space must store in the space during the run of your show, please keep this in mind when creating a ground plan.
  • All egress paths, emergency exit signs, etc. must be checked and approved by HERE staff as per NYC Fire Code. All scenic elements must be flame treated.
  • The HERE technical staff is not responsible for staffing your show.
  • Tools, such as screw guns, saws, and wrenches, for your load-in and strike, are not provided by HERE. 
  • HERE can provide perishables, such as gaff and spike tape, batteries, tie line, screws, bolts, and other hardware. Prices are posted in the office.
  • HERE is a very active public space, so please do not leave valuables unattended.   HERE is not responsible for personal belongings. 
  • All production activities, such as construction, painting, rehearsals or warm-ups, must take place inside your theatre and not in the hallway or common spaces of the building.
  • All production paraphernalia, such as banners, lobby displays or merchandise, must be kept inside the theatre and not put in the common spaces of the building.
  • Please be conscientious about the patrons and other productions taking place in this building.  For instance, please keep the doors to your theatre and the kitchenette area closed.
  • Storage is very limited in our building.  All show-related materials must be stored in your theater.  Nothing may be stored in fire exits or hallways. 
  • Exit signs may not be altered and must remain visible.  If your set blocks the visibility of an Exit sign, you must hang an additional Exit sign somewhere on your set.  Exit aisles must be maintained.
  • Please discuss with production if any open flame is desired in your production.
  • No cigarettes, unless specifically negotiated.
  • All set materials must be fireproofed and certified by a fire marshall or certified flameproofing supervisor and a certificate put on file at the front desk in the fire log.  Fireproofing spray is available at some art stores and hardware or theatrical stores and at Rosebrand in New Jersey. Please discuss this with production.
  • There MUST be 2 certified Fire Guards on site whenever there are patrons in the building.  All of our Technical Staff and Box Office Personnel are certified Fire Guards. Please inform Production if anyone in your company is a certified Fire Guard. An additional fire guard is required for any open flame permit.
  • We are required by law to announce the locations of the emergency exits.  This can be done however you feel would best represent your show. It has been done as a pre-show announcement, a pre-recorded message, or worked into the performance itself.
  • The hallway by the backstage entrance is an emergency exit.  Please keep this area clear and do NOT put any paint in this hallway.
  • There must be a 6-foot square of clearance by both entrances to the Mainstage and a 3-foot square of clearance by both entrances to the DOT at all times.  Please do not block these doors. In addition, there must be a 3-foot clearance walkway to each door in both theatres.
  • There must be 3 feet of clearance between the audience and the front of the stage.  This clearance should be measured with the audience chair in its open position. Production must approve egress in any ground plans.
  • No liquids without approval. 
  • If you are using any substance that may cause a mess, you are responsible to clean it up.  That includes bringing a mop if necessary. If you plan to use blood (or colored liquid), you cannot use HERE’s mop to clean it up. 
    • No glitter, confetti, glass, dirt, sand, etc!
    • Do not put anything on our curtains/blacks.  No velcro, no tape, no pins, don’t sew things on them.
    • All rigging must be pre-approved.
    • Only screws are permitted on the floors; no lags, nails, staples, etc. are permitted.
  • No Duct Tape. Use only gaff tape, glow tape, or spike tape on the walls and the floor. All tape must be pulled up at strike.
  • No screwing into the brick wall, or stapling/nailing in the floor without prior approval from the HERE production staff.  
  • All surfaces must be restored to the original paint color and texture. The walls and pillars are Benjamin Moore Regal flat black. The floor is Benjamin Moore Regal black semi-gloss
  • You are responsible for restoring the room to its original condition. This includes patching all holes that you create, including the brick walls, and painting any areas affected by screws, tape, paint, and performance wear and tear.
  • Do not remove any equipment from the booth without approval from HERE’s Production Staff.
  • HERE is committed to protecting and elevating our patron experience. As SubletSeries shows greatly influence our brand’s reputation, we ask renters not to photograph during live performances, but to shoot their dress rehearsals instead. Artists will get better photos in the end if the photographer is free to roam and audiences can focus on the work, not the camera’s shutter speed. Thank you for complying with this house policy.
  • No blood, oils, paints, dirt, etc in washer
  • We prefer you use non chemical environmentally friendly detergent
  • Wool dryer balls (3x) must remain in dryer and lint filter must be cleaned after each use
  • See HERE production for first use instructions
  • Do not overload the washing machine or the dryer-this damages the unit and slows the process of washing and drying
  • All linens and clothes must live in your company dressing room (not in actor bathroom, kitchen, hallway, etc)
  • Machines may only be used during hours specified (see below)
  • Any damage to washer will result in a $200 fine
  • Building hours are 10 AM – 11 PM.

  • The bathrooms and DOT theatre are fully ADA accessible, but there is no elevator that goes directly to that floor for load-in. Anything that requires the elevator for load-in must go down the three steps from the apartment building elevator.

  • HERE has an extensive list of equipment; however, the equipment has to be shared between both theatres. Please keep in mind that just because an item is on the list, it does not mean that the item is available. We operate on a first-come-first-served basis. The sooner you can submit your equipment request for your production, the more likely it is that you will be able to have that equipment. Please submit a request for all additional equipment that you would like to use, including any barrel swaps, no later than 3 weeks before your load-in. 2 weeks prior to your load-in, Production will confirm what additional requested equipment will be available to you. Please do not assume that the equipment is available, just because it is on the equipment list.
  • Some equipment, due to the high purchase or maintenance cost, will have an additional rental cost. Items with an additional cost will be indicated as such. Please fill out the attached equipment request form and return it to Production.
  • Brooms and dustpans can be found in your theatre, or just outside of your theatre (Mainstage). Please return these items where you found them. The slop sink, mops, and other cleaning supplies are located in the kitchenette.

Please see the basic packages available for each space. Any additional item can be requested and we will let you know their availability as soon as possible.

Please send all gear requests and questions to production@here.org.

The links below lead to most up-to-date resources:



*Note: Rep plots are not hung for SubletSeries Rentals.


*Note: Rep plots are not hung for SubletSeries Rentals.


  • You must provide all technical labor, including load-in, strike and operating crew for your show. HERE can provide a list of names of individuals we recommend you work with who know our space and can save you time and money as a result. Please inquire for the list by contacting production@here.org with your needs.
  • Restoration: You must restore the theatre to its original condition, as outlined above. You will be billed for in house strike of any equipment that is not returned or properly struck when you leave the space or for not restoring the space to its original condition. The cost is $75 per hour/per person as well as any carting costs incurred.
  • Any spike marks, glow tape and signage that you put up must be removed. All tape and markings that you put on cables must be removed.
  • Any additionally rented equipment must be checked back in with a member of the Production Staff, not left in the theatre.
  • All surfaces must be restored to the original paint color and texture. The walls and pillars are Benjamin Moore Regal flat black. The floor is Benjamin Moore Regal black semi-gloss. Please speak to Production about a possible paint deal/for more details (production@here.org).
  • You are responsible for restoring the room to its original condition. This includes patching all holes that you create, including the brick walls, and painting any areas affected by screws, nails, tape, paint, and performance wear and tear.
  • The stage will always require a full repaint using the paint specified by HERE.


  • Please make sure to turn off all lights and lock the dressing room doors when you leave for the evening.
  • There is NO PA system or stage monitor in any of the dressing rooms.
  • In the Green Room, there is a refrigerator, microwave, and coffeemaker that you may use. Any props left in the fridge should be labeled with your show title. All items left in the fridge should be removed after your last performance each week, or it will be thrown away.
  • There is 1 performer’s rest room, with a shower stall. Please provide your own towels. Please remind your performers that once patrons are in the building, they should refrain from using the public restrooms.
  • HERE has a washing machine and dryer for weekly rental. We also have an ironing board, irons and a steamer available for your use, free of charge. However, HERE does not own a sewing machine. 
    • Local Dry Cleaners/Laundromats
      • SoHo Dry Cleaning – 529 Broome St, New York, NY 10013, (212) 431-0115
      • King Cleaners – 220 Avenue of the Americas, New York, NY 10014, (212) 989-3673, kingcleaners.com‎
      • Spring Cleaners – 107 Sullivan St # 107, New York, NY 10012, (212) 219-8170
      • Village Tailor and Cleaners — 125 Sullivan St., New York, NY‎ – (212) 925-9667
      • West Lake Laundromat — 149 Sullivan Street, New York, NY‎ – (212) 228-1805
  • Dressing Rooms must be cleaned during your strike.


Mainstage (MS): The Mainstage rental comes with 2 Dressing Rooms. Dressing Room A is located downstairs inside the wardrobe area. Dressing Room B is located downstairs at the base of the back staircase. Please note that Dressing Room B is also an emergency exit for the DOT Dressing Room and sometimes serves as a crossover for DOT actors to make entrances.

Dorothy B. Williams (DOT): The DOT rental comes with 1 Dressing Room, which is attached to the theatre. This dressing room has 2 entrances to the stage, so it can be divided into 2 smaller dressing rooms if you choose